Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

iii Kazia Theraputics Limited Annual Report 2022 KAZIA THERAPEUTICS LIMITED Directors Mr Iain Ross (resigned 11 August 2023) Mr Bryce Carmine Mr Steven Coffey Dr James Garner (resigned 30 April 2023) Ms Ebru Davidson Dr John Friend (appointed 1 August 2023) Company secretary Ms Anna Sandham Director nominations due 26 September 2023 Notice of annual general meeting 8 November 2023 Registered office Three International Towers, Level 24 300 Barangaroo Avenue Sydney NSW 2000 Principal place of business Three International Towers, Level 24 300 Barangaroo Avenue Sydney NSW 2000 Share register Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Level 4 60 Carrington Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 1300 787 272 Auditor BDO Audit Pty Ltd Level 11 1 Margaret Street Sydney NSW 2000 Stock exchange listing Kazia Therapeutics Limited ordinary shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX code: KZA) Kazia Therapeutics Limited’s ordinary shares trade in the United States in the form of ADRs on the NASDAQ Capital Market (NASDAQ code: KZIA). At year end each ADR represents ten ordinary Kazia shares. Kazia Therapeutics Limited options are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX code KZAO) Website www.kaziatherapeutics.com CORPORATE DIRECTORY