Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

68 FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTINUED 30 June 2023 Remaining contractual maturities The following tables detail the consolidated entity’s remaining contractual maturity for its financial instrument liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the financial liabilities are required to be paid. The tables include both interest and principal cash flows disclosed as remaining contractual maturities and therefore these totals may differ from their carrying amount in the statement of financial position. Consolidated - 2023 Weighted average interest rate % 1 year or less $ Between 1 and 2 years $ Between 2 and 5 years $ Over 5 years $ Remaining contractual maturities $ Non-derivatives Trade payables - 857,312 - - - 857,312 Accrued payables - 3,471,637 - - - 3,471,637 Contingent consideration - 750,000 4,302,916 3,098,869 - 8,151,785 Total non-derivatives 5,078,949 4,302,916 3,098,869 - 12,480,734 Consolidated - 2022 restated Weighted average interest rate % 1 year or less $ Between 1 and 2 years $ Between 2 and 5 years $ Over 5 years $ Remaining contractual maturities $ Non-derivatives Trade payables - 1,524,174 - - - 1,524,174 Accrued payables - 2,235,946 - - - 2,235,946 Contingent consideration - 758,840 8,338,405 794,580 - 9,891,825 Total non-derivatives 4,518,960 8,338,405 794,580 - 13,651,945 The cash flows in the maturity analysis above are not expected to occur significantly earlier than contractually disclosed above. Note 24. Fair value measurement Fair value hierarchy The following tables detail the consolidated entity’s assets and liabilities, measured or disclosed at fair value, using a three level hierarchy, based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the entire fair value measurement, being: Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly Level 3: Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Consolidated - 2023 $ $ $ $ Liabilities Contingent consideration - - 1,403,692 1,403,692 Total liabilities - - 1,403,692 1,403,692 Note 23. Financial instruments continued