Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

64 FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTINUED 30 June 2023 Note 20. Contributed equity Consolidated 2023 2022 2023 2022 Shares Shares $ $ Ordinary shares – fully paid 228,029,114 138,755,376 97,452,246 84,480,249 Movements in ordinary option capital Details Date Shares Issue price $ Balance 1 July 2021 132,012,209 80,290,062 Issued on conversion of options 15 December 2021 25,000 $0.6680 16,700 Conversion of Triaxial Convertible Note 5 May 2022 1,855,357 $0.2500 464,000 ATM issue of shares No. 1 24 May 2022 10,000 $0.8260 8,256 ATM issue of shares No. 2 2 June 2022 10,000 $0.8020 8,025 ATM issue of shares No. 3 6 June 2022 88,710 $0.8370 74,258 ATM issue of shares No. 4 9 June 2022 603,500 $0.8400 507,035 ATM issue of shares No. 5 14 June 2022 75,940 $0.8240 62,583 ATM issue of shares No. 6 15 June 2022 2,000 $0.8300 1,661 ATM issue of shares No. 7 20 June 2022 4,072,660 $0.8690 3,540,404 Less: share issue transaction costs - $0.0000 (492,735) Balance 30 June 2022 138,755,376 84,480,249 ATM issue of shares No. 8 7 July 2022 573,370 $0.7102 407,201 ATM issue of shares No. 9 8 August 2022 8,561,490 $0.3316 2,839,346 ATM issue of shares No. 10 9 August 2022 10,000 $0.2723 2,723 ATM issue of shares No. 11 10 August 2022 158,020 $0.2465 38,949 ATM issue of shares No. 12 11 August 2022 330,960 $0.2413 79,868 ATM issue of shares No. 13 12 August 2022 1,247,440 $0.2469 308,050 ATM issue of shares No. 14 12 September 2022 651,030 $0.2211 143,964 ATM issue of shares No. 15 13 September 2022 28,350 $0.2187 6,200 Shares issued to Scientific Advisory Board 14 September 2022 60,000 $0.2100 12,600 ATM issue of shares No. 16 7 October 2022 736,760 $0.1789 131,797 ATM issue of shares No. 17 28 October 2022 12,296,180 $0.1865 2,293,288 ATM issue of shares No. 18 11 January 2023 20,000 $0.1380 2,761 Professional and sophisticated investors placement - 1st tranche 16 January 2023 25,387,018 $0.1100 2,792,572 Professional and sophisticated investors placement - 2nd tranche 28 February 2023 15,522,075 $0.1100 1,707,428 Share Placement Plan 3 March 2023 23,691,045 $0.1100 2,606,000 Less: share issue transaction costs - $0.0000 (400,750) Balance 30 June 2023 228,029,114 97,452,246 Ordinary shares Ordinary shares entitle the holder to participate in dividends and the proceeds on the winding up of the Company in proportion to the number of and amounts paid on the shares held. The fully paid ordinary shares have no par value and the Company does not have a limited amount of authorised capital. On a show of hands every member present at a meeting in person or by proxy shall have one vote and upon a poll each share shall have one vote.