Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

59 Kazia Theraputics Limited Annual Report 2023 Chairman and CEO’s Letter Key Milestones Introduction to Kazia’s CEO Pipeline Review Environment, Society and Governance Financial Reports Note 8. Expenses Consolidated 2023 2022 restated $ $ Loss before income tax includes the following specific expenses: Research and development EVT-801 program costs 5,059,589 2,519,673 Cantrixil program costs 4,745 11,614 Paxalisib program costs 5,618,047 13,713,454 Scientific Advisory Board costs 30,899 - Employee benefits expense - salaries & wages and staff benefits 2,250,149 1,664,572 - superannuation 29,611 25,198 - share based payment 701,570 364,700 Total research & development (excluding amortisation) 13,694,610 18,299,211 Amortisation Amortisation 1,869,460 1,869,420 Total research and development 15,564,070 20,168,631 Leases Expense relating to short term leases 152,049 73,138 Employee benefits expense G&A - salaries & wages and staff benefits 1,467,447 1,674,344 - superannuation 101,765 129,241 - share based payments 457,555 1,309,880 Total employee benefits expense G&A 2,026,767 3,113,465