Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

57 Kazia Theraputics Limited Annual Report 2023 Chairman and CEO’s Letter Key Milestones Introduction to Kazia’s CEO Pipeline Review Environment, Society and Governance Financial Reports Consolidated statement of financial position 30 June 2021 Reported Increase/ (decrease) 1 July 2021 Restated 30 June 2022 Reported Increase/ (decrease) 30 June 2022 Restated Intangibles - licensing agreement 27,265,551 (1,044,401) 26,221,150 27,265,551 (1,044,401) 26,221,150 Less Accumulated amortisation (5,262,958) 50,120 (5,212,838) (7,215,899) 133,641 (7,082,258) 22,002,593 (994,281) 21,008,312 20,049,652 (910,760) 19,138,892 Current contingent consideration (3,164,557) 2,373,418 (791,139) (758,840) - (758,840) Non-Current contingent consideration (8,926,641) (1,376,661) (10,303,302) (8,755,941) 546,996 (8,208,945) (12,091,198) 996,757 (11,094,441) (9,514,781) 546,996 (8,967,785) Net Assets 37,850,719 2,476 37,853,195 18,638,287 (363,764) 18,274,523 Accumulated losses (44,203,909) 2,476 (44,201,433) (68,253,627) (363,764) (68,617,391) Total equity 37,850,719 2,476 37,853,195 18,638,287 (363,764) 18,274,523 Consolidated statement of profit and loss 30 June 2022 Increase/ (decrease) 30 June 2022 Restated Research and development expense (Amortisation) (20,252,152) 83,521 (20,168,631) General and administrative expense (foreign exchange impact) (4,511,463) (449,761) (4,961,224) Loss on revaluation of contingent consideration (152,287) - (152,287) Commercialisation expense (127,043) - (127,043) Loss before tax (25,015,895) (366,240) (25,382,135) Income tax benefit 368,080 - 368,080 Loss after tax (24,647,815) (366,240) (25,014,055) Impact on basic and diluted earnings per share increase/ (decrease) in earning per share Cents Cents Cents Basic loss for the year attributable to equity holders (18.61) (0.27) (18.88) Diluted loss for the year attributable to equity holders (18.61) (0.27) (18.88) Note 4. Restatement of comparatives continued