Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

39 Kazia Theraputics Limited Annual Report 2023 Chairman and CEO’s Letter Key Milestones Introduction to Kazia’s CEO Pipeline Review Environment, Society and Governance Financial Reports Shareholding The number of shares in the Company held during the financial year by each Director and other members of Key Management Personnel of the consolidated entity, including their personally related parties, is set out below: Balance at the start of the year Off market additions/ disposals Share Purchase Plan Purchased on market Disposed* (For KMP reporting purposes only) Balance at the end of the year I Ross 1,075,001 - 272,728 175,000 - 1,522,729 B Carmine 419,862 135,000 181,819 120,000 - 856,681 S Coffey 484,265 135,000 272,728 100,000 - 991,993 J Garner* 500,000 - 181,819 100,000 (781,819) - K Hill* 320,000 (270,000) - - (50,000) - E Davidson - - - - - - 2,799,128 - 909,094 495,000 (831,819) 3,371,403 * Shares held on ceasing to be KMP are treated as a disposal in the table above. Other transactions with key management personnel and their related parties Iain Ross (from his company Gladstone Consultancy Partnership) was reimbursed for travel and accommodation expenses of $114,684. James Garner was reimbursed travel and accommodation expenses of $149,382. Kate Hill (from her company Sabio Solutions Pty Ltd) was reimbursed for expenses of $74. John Friend was for reimbursed travel and accommodation expenses of $67,440. Karen Krumeich was reimbursed for travel and accommodation expenses of $63,157. This concludes the remuneration report, which has been audited. Shares under option Unissued ordinary shares of Kazia Therapeutics Limited under option at the date of this report are as follows. All options are unlisted and were issued under the Company’s Employee Share Option Plan. Grant date Expiry date Exercise Price Closing Balance 13 November 2019 4 January 2024 $0.4925 1,200,000 13 January 2020 13 January 2025 $0.8812 187,500 9 November 2020 13 January 2025 $0.8812 600,000 9 November 2020 13 November 2024 $1.1320 1,200,000 4 January 2021 4 January 2025 $1.6900 187,500 9 September 2021 21 June 2026 $1.3650 100,000 16 November 2021 16 November 2025 $1.6900 750,000 16 November 2021 16 November 2025 $2.2400 500,000 16 November 2021 16 November 2026 $1.5600 800,000 1 February 2022 1 February 2027 $0.9400 1,225,000 24 May 2022 24 May 2027 $0.7800 100,000 3 March 2023 3 March 2027 $0.1500 3,930,000 3 May 2023 3 May 2027 $0.1870 4,000,000 14,780,000 No person entitled to exercise the options had or has any right by virtue of the option to participate in any share issue of the Company or of any other body corporate. No ordinary shares of Kazia Therapeutics Limited were issued during the year ended 30 June 2023 and up to the date of this report on the exercise of options granted.