Kazia Therapeutics Annual Reports 2023

35 Kazia Theraputics Limited Annual Report 2023 Chairman and CEO’s Letter Key Milestones Introduction to Kazia’s CEO Pipeline Review Environment, Society and Governance Financial Reports Each option issued under the ESOP entitles its holder to acquire one fully paid ordinary share and is exercisable at a price based on a formula, which includes the weighted average price of such shares at the close of trading on the Australian Securities Exchange for five days prior to the date of issue exercise price and may include a premium, or at fair market value on grant date. The number of options offered, the amount payable, the vesting period, the option period, the conditions of exercise or any other factors are at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The consolidated entity issued 7,930,000 share options under the ESOP during the financial year ended 30 June 2023, of which 6,000,000 were issued to KMP. Any change to the ESOP will require approval by shareholders. Use of remuneration consultants During the year ended 30 June 2023 the consolidated entity did not engage remuneration consultants to assist with the determination of remuneration levels. Details of remuneration Amounts of remuneration Details of the remuneration of key management personnel of the consolidated entity are set out in the following tables. The KMP of the consolidated entity consisted of the following directors of Kazia Therapeutics Limited: • Iain Ross - Non-Executive Director, Chairman (resigned 11 August 2023) • Bryce Carmine - Non-Executive Director • Steven Coffey - Non-Executive Director • Dr James Garner - Managing Director, CEO - resigned 30 April 2023, terminated 30 June 2023 • Ebru Davidson - Non-Executive Director - from 5 June 2023 And the following persons: • Kate Hill - Company Secretary - resigned 28 February 2023 • John Friend - Chief Medical Officer - 15 November 2021 to 30 April 2023 • John Friend - Chief Executive Officer - from 1 May 2023 • Karen Krumeich - Chief Financial Officer Short-term benefits Postemployment benefits Sharebased payments Salary & fees Cash Termination payments and bonuses accrued at year end – monetary Move- ments in accrued leave Non- monetary Move- ments in long service leave Non- monetary Health- care & Insurance Cash Pension and Superannuation Options Equitysettled Total 2023 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Non-Executive Directors: I Ross* 175,016 - - - - - 74 175,090 B Carmine 85,000 - - - - 8,925 74 93,999 S Coffey 85,000 - - - - 8,925 74 93,999 E Davidson 6,440 - - - - 676 - 7,116 Executive Directors: J Garner** 543,750 365,838 - - - 77,022 263,945 1,250,555 Other Key Management Personnel: J Friend*** 742,685 248,869 52,065 - 28,448 31,669 473,177 1,576,913 K Krumeich*** 592,168 120,664 6,961 - 13,797 22,409 295,150 1,051,149 K Hill 81,813 - - - - - 13,366 95,179 2,311,872 735,371 59,026 - 42,245 149,626 1,045,860 4,344,000 * Salary paid in UK pounds, but disclosed in Australian dollars using conversion rate of 0.5571 ** Amounts shown are for the full year, not just to resignation date of 30 April 2023. Termination payment includes annual leave owing at 30 June 2023, 4 months’ salary and superannuation in lieu of notice. *** Salary paid in USD, but disclosed in Australian dollars using conversion rate of 0.6755. Guaranteed bonus accrued at year end rate.