Kazia Therapeutics Annual Report 2021

60 Kazia Therapeutics Limited Annual Report 2021 NOTE 27. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Parent entity Kazia Therapeutics Limited is the parent entity. Subsidiaries Interests in subsidiaries are set out in note 29. Key management personnel Disclosures relating to key management personnel are set out in note 23 and the remuneration report included in the directors’ report. Transactions with related parties There was no other transaction with KMP and their related parties. Receivable from and payable to related parties There were no trade receivables from or trade payables to related parties at the current and previous reporting date. Loans to/from related parties There were no loans to or from related parties at the current and previous reporting date. Terms and conditions All transactions were made on normal commercial terms and conditions and at market rates. NOTE 28. PARENT ENTITY INFORMATION Set out below is the supplementary information about the parent entity. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Parent 2021 2020 $ $ Loss after income tax (16,853,528) (11,064,061) Total comprehensive income (16,853,528) (11,064,061) Statement of financial position Parent 2021 2020 $ $ Total current assets 25,041,721 9,702,674 Total assets 47,044,314 22,112,813 Total current liabilities 3,177,348 1,521,946 Total liabilities 15,032,430 5,392,633 Equity Contributed equity 80,290,062 48,781,213 Other contributed equity 464,000 464,000 Reserves 1,753,886 1,521,111 Accumulated losses (50,496,064) (34,046,144) Total equity 32,011,884 16,720,180 Reserves comprise Share Based Payments Reserve. Contingent liabilities The parent entity contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020 are as set out in Note 15. The contingent consideration is specific to the parent entity. Capital commitments - Property, plant and equipment The parent entity had no capital commitments for property, plant and equipment at as 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020.