Kazia Therapeutics Annual Report 2021

54 Kazia Therapeutics Limited 54 Annual Report 2021 Contingent consideration - paxalisib During the 2017 financial year, the consolidated entity acquired 100% of the issued shares in Glioblast Pty Ltd, a privately- held, neuro-oncology-focused Australian biotechnology company. On the same day, Kazia entered into a worldwide licensing agreement with Genentech to develop and commercialise GDC-0084, now known as paxalisib. The Glioblast acquisition contains four contingent milestone payments, the first two milestone payments are to be settled with Kazia shares, and the third and fourth milestone payments are to be settled with either cash or Kazia shares at the discretion of Kazia. Milestones 1 and 4 have now been paid out, and Milestone 3 has lapsed. Milestone 2 comprises shares to the value of $1,250,000. The Genentech agreement comprises of one milestone payment payable on the first commercial licensed product sale, in the amount of $1,394,000. Each milestone payment is probability weighted for valuation purposes. The milestone payments are discounted to present value, using a discount rate of 15% (previously 35%) per annum. The discount rate was considered at 30 June 2021 and it was determined that the risk of the asset, and therefore of the milestones being met, has been considerably decreased as a result of paxalisib entering the pivotal GBM Agile trial, which is progressing well, and the license transaction with Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, which provides an external validation of paxalisib. Accordingly, the discount rate applied to future expected cash flows has been revised downwards. Kazia is also required to pay royalties to Genentech in relation to net sales. These payments are related to future financial performance, and are not considered as part of the consideration in relation to the Genentech agreement. Contingent consideration - EVT801 As set out in note 2, the acquisition of EVT801 has been accounted for at cost, with milestones where the payment is considered probable being booked as a current or non-current liability at year end, according to the estimated payment date. Milestones where the payment is not considered probable at year end have not been accounted for as a liability. The total amount of milestone payments not booked at year end amounts to €300,500,000 ($475,474,684). NOTE 16. DEFERRED TAX Consolidated 2021 2020 $ $ Non-current liabilities Deferred tax liability associated with Licensing Agreement 2,928,441 3,412,788 NOTE 17. CONTRIBUTED EQUITY Consolidated 2021 2020 2021 2020 Shares Shares $ $ Ordinary shares – fully paid 132,012,209 94,598,369 80,290,062 48,781,214 NOTE 15. CONTINGENT CONSIDERATION (CONTINUED)